New Smart City Project MatchUP at the forefront of the European sustainable urban transformation process


MAtchUP - Maximizing the Upscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies - is a 60 months long project funded under the call H2020-SCC-2017 of European Union’s Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities programme with a total budget of about 19.472 M€.

MAtchUP addresses the issues that constrains a better and wider development of the urban transformation of the cities through the use of innovative technologies in the energy, mobility and ICT areas and through the direct engagement of citizens in the co-design of their future smart cities.

MAtchUP will deploy large scale demonstration projects in three Lighthouse cities namely, Valencia (Spain), Dresden (Germany) and Antalya (Turkey), and support the development of replication and upscaling plans in four Follower cities namely, Ostend (Belgium), Herzliya (Israel), Skopje (Macedonia) and Kerava (Finland). The project is executed by the partners from Europe: Ayuntamıento De Valencıa (Spain), Fundacıon De La Comunıtat Valencıana Para La Promocıon Estrategıca El Desarrollo Y La Innovacıon Urbana (Spain), Wıtrac Comunıcacıones Intelıgentes Sl (Spain), Unıversıtat Polıtecnıca De Valencıa (Spain), Etra Investıgacıon Y Desarrollo Sa (Spain), Asocıacıon Instıtuto Tecnologıco De La Energıa (Spain), Senıor Europa Socıedad Lımıtada (Spain), Landeshauptstadt Dresden (Germany), Drewag Stadtwerke Dresden Gmbh (Germany), Dresdner Verkehrsbetrıebe Ag (Germany), Wohnbau Nordwest Gmbh (Germany), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germany), Technısche Unıversıtaet Dresden (Germany), Antalya Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty (Turkey), Sampas Bilisim Ve Iletisim Sistemleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. (Turkey), De Surdurulebılır Enerjı Ve Insaat Sanayı Tıcaret Lımıted Sırketı (Turkey), Antepe Insaat Ve Tıcaret Anonım Sırketı (Turkey), Trafık Arastırma Yonetım Sımulasyon Insaat Musavırlık Proje Ve Tıcaret Anonım Sırketı (Turkey), Akdenız Unıversıty (Turkey), Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt Oy (Finland), Fundacıon Cartıf (Spain), Unıversıta Commercıale Luıgı Bocconı (Italy), Fondazıone Icons (Italy), Fundacıon Tecnalıa Research & Innovatıon (Spain), Herzlıya Munıcıpalıty (Israel), Stad Oostende (Belgium), Cıty Of Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia), Keravan Kaupunkı (Finland).

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Brussels, 26 January 2018 - Cities get smart with funding

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774477.